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Wrapping vs. Painting a Truck

If you are considering changing the appearance of your truck, it can be difficult to determine if painting or wrapping is the right choice for your needs. While both methods can be used to achieve the same purpose, each option has a unique set of benefits and potential drawbacks to consider. As a leading provider of full vehicle wraps for all types of trucks, the team at Wrap Guys America knows how important it is to have all the facts before choosing a customization option. That is why we have compiled some information to compare wrapping vs. painting a truck to help you make an informed decision for your needs, budget, and preferences.

Painting vs. Wrapping a Truck

Read 4 tips to help you design the perfect car wrap.

Key Considerations When Comparing Vinyl Wraps and Paint

When comparing vinyl wraps and paint, it is important to consider the following aspects:

Installation and Removal

To repaint your truck, the old paint will need to be removed first. Once this paint is removed, the new color can be applied, though it will require multiple coats and each will need time to dry, resulting in a time-consuming and costly process. For vinyl truck wraps, the vehicle simply needs to be cleaned and dried before application. No paint removal is required to apply a vinyl wrap, allowing you to easily remove it and revert to your vehicle’s default appearance if you change your mind or alter your branding. If you decide to alter the paint on your truck due to changes in preference or rebranding, it typically takes longer and costs more.

Customization and Complexity

While the price of simple one-color paint jobs is often comparable to vinyl truck wraps, complex jobs and unique metallic colors typically cost much more. Vinyl wraps are far easier and cheaper to customize as the images, logos, and designs can all be printed on the same layer of vinyl, while painting will require masking and different colors. While paint jobs will drastically vary in price due to complexity, vinyl truck wraps will remain consistent regardless of the color or design. Vinyl wraps can also be applied over certain windows of your truck while paint cannot, allowing you to utilize additional design or advertising space.

Durability and Maintenance

The durability of paint will vary based on the quality of the products used and how well it was applied. Even with the utmost caution, paint can chip and will require more maintenance and repairs over time to maintain a clean and consistent appearance. This is especially true for work trucks. Vinyl, on the other hand, simply requires the occasional wash with a wet cloth to maintain its appearance and provide reliable protection for your existing paint against scratches and chips.

To learn more about our vehicle wrap services or to discuss the details of your project, get in touch with the team at Wrap Guys America. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your dream wrap or the services we provide.

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